Mobile Podiatrist
Mobile Podiatrist
20 Years Experience
20 Years Experience
Innovative Techniques to Foot Care
Innovative Techniques to Foot Care
Customised / Tailored Treatment Plans
Customised / Tailored Treatment Plans
Convenient Central Location
Convenient Central Location


Ingrown toenails also known as Onychocryptosis, is when a sharp spicule of nail can indent or pierce the side of the toenail fold causing redness, inflammation, pain and infection. Ingrown toenails can become an ongoing issue if they are not treated correctly.

Toenails can become ingrown due to various factors including damage to the nail plate from trauma, improper cutting techniques, tight or poor fitting footwear, curved nail plates and lastly anatomically you may have a chubby toe in which your nail folds doesn’t allow your nail edge to sit flat on your toe.

At Foot & Sole Podiatry we assess your toenails and determine the reason and cause of the potential ingrown nail. We will explore all conservative approaches to manage the ingrown nail and relieve the pain and infection associated with it.


At times an ingrown toenail can be severe in which conservative measures have not been successful. In this case, we can perform a minor procedure at the Practice called a Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA). This is a permanent and preventative solution performed under Local Anaesthetic whereby we remove part of the nail edge to correct the nail shape and prevent recurrence.  As this is a relatively minor procedure most people can get back to normal activity 2-3 days after treatment.

After your procedure, our ongoing management includes providing education on correct hygiene practices for your feet and toes, footwear review and we educate you on how to trim your toenails correctly to protect and prevent any further damage to the toenails.

If you are suffering from ingrown toenails, then our Podiatrists at Foot & Sole Podiatry can assess your feet and implement the correct management plan for you.